Hooray! The Travelling Suitcase Library is giving away books!!!
(so any other day then yes?)
World Book Night (http://www.worldbooknight.org/titles/) is a national incentive to get people reading for pleasure. We're giving away 40-odd (after donating a couple to work) copies of Stuart: A Life Backwards by Alexander Masters.
World Book Night is on the Saturday 5 March.
I'll be at Left Bank Leeds on Cardigan Lane (lovely old church now used for the community) doing a book swap from 6-8, then hot footing it to My Spiritual Home, Arcadia, to give out books from 8.30 pm. I'll be doing a book-swap as well so Bring Your Tomes!!!!
World Book Night
Thank you Leeds Guide!
Anyone who hasn't seen it here's my interview with The Leeds Guide, fabulous people that they are
Just wanna say one thing.
You may have noticed that this blog, compared to www.leedsbookclub.blogspot.com, is a bit, shall we say, plain.
This is because I am not a blogger. I don't know anything about how the internet actually works, or how to write coded script and make it look pretty or any of that jazz. I work in libraries and I am only concerned with promoting reading for pleasure. Yes I bash out some writing occasionally because I love doing it, but it isn't who I am.
I do not run www.leedsbookclub.blogspot.com, or the @LeedsBookClub twitter feed, as it might come accross in the article. That blog is entirely down to the incredibly hard work of Avid Reader as she's known on the blog, and I really don't want anyone confusing us.
If you want to read my writing, find the pieces tagged with "BookElf", that I didn't even tag myself because I have no idea what I'm doing!
Thank you. More info on the next Book Swap coming soon. I can confirm I'll be taking the Travelling Suitcase Library to #Bettakultcha on the 1st of March though (and I promise not to have a hideous migraine this time! Sorry anyone who brought books!) so hopefully see you there!
Happy Reading!
Jess xxx