TSL @ TJ's

I've been invited to have a bookswap at the Oblong fundraiser this Friday 16 March, at TJ's in Woodhouse. The event will be going on all night, and includes local bands, DJs and circus acts. It's £3 in, and all goes towards the community centre in Woodhouse, that provides courses and activities for the local community.

I'll be honest, my basic plan is to bring the suitcase, dump it in the corner with a big sign saying FREE BOOKS on it and drink heavily, but anyone fancying finding me and having a long and involved conversation about the reemergence of the hero in YA fiction, whilst buying me double gins, is more that welcome to do so!

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Book Swap at a Clothes Swap....

...what a delightful scheme!

The gorgeous and lovely people at the incredible Plus Sized Clothes Swap have kindly invited the Travelling Suitcase Library to have a book swap at the event.

Taking place in Wharf Chambers (behind the Corn Exchange) on Sunday 25 March from 1-5 pm ish, this event will include alterations and skills sharing work shops, a library of fat positive and body positive books and zines for you to peruse and cakes and tea for munching.
It's £1 entry and, having been to the previous clothes swap in the Pack Horse back in November, I can guarantee its a worthy day out. I swapped stuff that I didn't wear anymore for some gorgeous things, including a pair of jeans and a pair of shoes I'm wearing as I type this!

Masculine and feminine clothing is all on, and this is a body positive space. The Travelling Suitcase Library doesn't like people who don't do body positivity so I ask anyone wanting to come to be massively respectful of that.

So bring your books, and your boots!


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